Location & Aims: The Opera is located in a lively area in Damascus; Umayyad Square, on Shukri al-Kuatli St. It holds the High Institute for Music and Theater Arts, that is annually graduating a staff of actors and musicians.
Dar Al Assad for Culture & Arts aim at performing the following functions:
* To spread, develop and enhance music and theater cultures, and revive the cultural, public, and artistic national heritage. * To inform the society of Arab as well as international arts of music and theatre, and promote the public sense of artistic appreciation. * To encourage national creativeness on artistic, social and cultural levels. * To upgrade arts of music, theater, and artistic dance, participate to spreading them to the public, and inform society of the best products in this field.
Location & Aims: Dar Al Assad for Culture & Arts was inaugurated by President Bashar Al Assad and First Lady Mrs. Asma' Al Assad with presence of the Malaysian King Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-pertuan Agong XII and Queen Seri Paduka Baginda Raja Permaisuri Agong. A crowd of ministers, diplomats, artists, media persons and figures of culture, also attended the ceremony.
Inauguration activities took place between the 7th of May and the 3rd of June 2004 and included a dancing performance entitled "A Starry Night" by ENANA Dance Theatre Group on the open-air theatre. Moreover, the Opera Theater hosted first concerts presented by The National Orchestra of Arabic Music with the Arab Choir, and the National Symphony Orchestra with the full Coral.
Programming system at Dar Al-Assad for Culture & Arts:
Programming system in Dar Al-Assad for Culture & Arts is a quarterly one based on the following: 1. Business year is divided into three quarters:
 * Fall (September, October, and November) * Winter (December, January, and February) * Spring (March, April, May, and June)
Dar Al-Assad for Culture & Arts holds its activities during July and August to perform maintenance, service, cleaning and development of equipment and premises, as well as to have some summer vacation.
2. Programming of the quarter takes place during the first two months of the previous quarter. Program of the quarter is issued one month before.
Tickets are sold in Dar Al-Assad for Culture & Arts as following:
* Opera Theatre: First class: 200 SP Second class: 150 SP Third class: 100 SP
* Drama Theatre: First Class: 200 SP Second Class: 150 SP
* Multi-Purpose Hall: First Class: 200 SP Second Class: 150 SP
- Tickets are sold exclusively at Dar Al-Assad' box office from Sunday to Thursday: - From 9:30 am till 14:30 pm. - From 18:00 pm till 19.30 pm. - The current tariff is subject to change upon issuance of the new legislation of the General Association of Dar Al-Assad for Culture & Arts. |